Ah, Valentine's Day. A day to celebrate love in all its different forms. Though, come to think of it, Saint Valentine is also the patron saint of beekeeping, epilepsy, and the plague... and I'm sick in bed this Valentine's Day. Thank you ever so much, Saint Valentine. I'd better not have the actual plague.
Anyway, here are some... unique valentines my characters have sent and received this year.
To Willow Quince, from everyone's favorite bisexual scythe-and-swordswoman:
To a certain Creatrix, from Paris's most dangerous wannabe goddess:
To Sebastian Antonyve, from the Highest Adviser of Kevarya:
To Silias Longwood, from a notorious pyromaniacal rebel leader:
To Morian Redfern, from the resident drunken Scotsman:
And finally, to Geneviève Sondheim, from a brilliant neurologist who's a bit too morally gray for comfort: